Friday, August 12, 2011

It came and went!

Remember way back when I first started this blog (and actually posted things) I had planned on running a half marathon? I figured it may be time for an update.

I signed up for a local race thinking it would be better for me to know the area and help me not be so nervous, well turns out I was still really nervous. The big race was on July 9th, it came sooner than what I was ready for. My training was not great, I had skipped to many runs, I ended up walking more than I wanted while training, and the longest I ran before race day was 9.5 miles. Lucky for me I had my good friend and neighbor Megan there to run with me and push me, she has run many half and full marathons before so I was glad she was on my side!

Before the race

The race starts and we get going, pretty soon I hear from the people around "this is going to be hard, I'm already having a hard time!" Didn't help that the race started on a hill, one that we were all not prepared for, one of many that was to come. After about a half mile Megan and I look back and see only a handful of people behind us, we both look at each other trying to figure out how that happened. In all her other races, Megan had never been in the back before so I felt bad that we were behind. We decided then that we would not finish last. A few more miles pass and I am starting to get really uncomfortable, something in my system was playing a trick on me and causing me to look for the nearest bathroom. So now I'm trying to deal with an upset stomach, just what I need for my first half. We do pretty good keeping up with the runners around us and even have some bursts of speed and pass some. Most of the race was slow and go but I still looked behind to make sure we were not last. The course was hard and miserable with intense hills everywhere, I soon realized it was a bad idea to sign up for this course. I thought running where I train would be a good thing but turns out I just dreaded what was coming up and the big hills that awaited us. We make it to mile 10 and I feel like I can't go any further, I was thinking to myself it was just three miles left I can go three miles that should be easy, but I had never run three miles after I already ran 10. I wanted so bad to finish strong and get a good time but it wasn't going to happen. We finally make it to the last little downhill before the finish line and we see a runner who was behind us the whole race take a short cut and was now ahead of us. I was really upset about it but got over it and thought she probably didn't see the markers properly. Turns out we finished before the three hour time limit by a mere 14 minutes and didn't finish last with one pair of runners behind us.

After we finished I felt really bad about not getting the time I wanted. I struggled with feelings of failure even though I did just complete a half marathon. I thought when I finished that I would be done, that I can say that I did it. Well now I am motivated to do more, to get a better time, to train better, become a better runner!

I'm looking forward to another race in October!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What? I have a blog?

Wow have I totally neglected this blog or what! Maybe it's because I haven't felt like anything I have been doing was worth posting about. I do need to get back on the ol blogger and keep my progress up to date. It's been a busy couple of months with family, school, and other things happening. Though I haven't been blogging but I still work out. My half marathon is creeping up in just over a month and I'm really hoping that I will be ready. I have been following a plan I found online and I'm trusting in the process. Somedays are really good runs and others I feel like I can barely lift my feet. I was hoping that all this running will help me lose weight, but I haven't had much success in that area yet. I lived in denial about why I am not losing pounds because come on I am training for a half marathon that should work. After watching the premier of Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition and the girl on the show during the third part of her plan only lost 3 pounds in three months, it caught my eye. Here she was working out hours and hours each day and only lost 3 pounds, what it came down to was her eating -- and that is what it comes down to with me as well. I am hoping to figure out my nutrition and change that part of my lifestyle. A big help that I have found to help calorie count and track food is

I have been a member on this site for quite some time now but haven't fully utilized the program. It's time for me to take charge of what I am eating, take responsibility for what I am putting in my body. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to some of my favorite foods and snacks, but if I want to make this work I'm going to need to let go.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waiting, Wishing, and Hoping

I get these days when I wonder why am I really doing this. I get frustrated when I don't see results that I think I should be getting. Why else would I put myself through an hour long workout 6 times a week? Why then am I giving up some of my favorite foods in exchange for celery and salads? I do love how I feel after a workout and I do love giving my body the nutrients it needs, but I need to lose weight and it is just not coming off. I know that my size does not define me and I know what I can do, but I would love to have my outside appearance match all the hard work I am putting in.

So today I find myself WAITING for the results to come, WISHING to have the body I want, and HOPING that what I am doing is working.

Monday, February 28, 2011

It happens . . .

It is that time of year, the time of sharing and giving. Too bad it is sick germs that are being shared. Yep, some sick bug made it's way into my home and has infested us. I've been fighting it for four days now, and my kids have also been battling it. It's nothing more than a head cold with a cough and running nose, but is sure has taken its tole on me and my family. For me, I feel like I need to let my body do it's thing and get rid of the bug so I choose to rest and not workout until I feel better. Maybe I'm wrong and I should keep with my workout plan, but really I already feel crapy and who wants to add to that.

So when you get sick, do you workout through the sickness or let your body rest and recover?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It is really nice to have the convenience of a treadmill. I'm not one to go running out in the bitter cold first thing in the morning. I think about taking the two younger kids in the double jogging stroller while the older two are at school, but that makes it harder to push the 60+ pounds. So that leaves me to my treadmill, I like having my time and distance displayed right in front of me. I'm hoping to get a garmin forerunner training watch that will tell me my distance, speed, time, and even my heart rate as I run outside. Today I gave it a valiant 4 miles, it took me longer than I wanted but I got it done!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pushing it

Do you ever feel like pushing yourself to see how hard you can work? Well, today was one of those workouts for me. I did a dvd that I have done lots before but I added more intensity and more weight. What a difference that made. I felt stronger as I powered through the moves and proud of myself for pushing through the hard parts when I wanted to quit. Plus it helps to have a workout buddy like I talked about below, this time it was my four year old son, he sure made sure I was doing it right!

Missed the weekend ...

So here it is Monday again and I have to report that I didn't do what I was supposed to -- I didn't post my activity! I don't know if it really matters to whoever reads this what I am doing for my workouts, but it really helps me to record it. In fact knowing that I'm doing this blog helps me make sure I get my workouts done! Friday was a P90x morning workout with my husband. It is a challenge for me to wake up early, really who wants to wake up early - let alone waking up early to exercise?! One thing that I have discovered is that I am enjoying this extra time with my husband, something that I had not planned on! We did arms and back, it's fun to tease back and forth and challenge each other to work harder. As we are getting stronger we need to buy new weights!

I was very excited to head outside for my run on Saturday, my plan was to go at least 4 miles. I even had the best running partner to go with me, my 9 year old son Kyler. He has been fun having him come with me the last couple of saturdays. We headed out with much excitement, it didn't take even 10 seconds before we turned around and went home to get hats and warm gear. It was cold and rainy, but we still went. I was feeling great with the energy I needed for a really good run, and I was so excited to run farther than before. Well, Kyler soon lost his excitment, after about 5 min he was cold and tired. On our past runs, Kyler was always ahead of me and motivating me to keep going and run faster, we even have mini races while we run (great for a 9 year old huh). This run was a different story, it was me who was helping him to finish what we started. He was cold and tired and didn't want to run anymore. It ended up being an okay outing, walking more than I wanted, and we went 3 miles. When we had our final race home, he had plenty of energy left to beat me, but only because he cut across the neighbors yard!

Do you have a workout buddy, or do you like going it alone?

I have found I love my morning workouts with Nick, and I like running with Kyler, but there are times I like it to be just myself.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where I run!

I thought I would post a picture of the view when I run:

Notice my running schedule right where I need it and of course the t.v so I'm not so totally bored looking at the wall.
Great isn't it?! For now while the weather is cold and snowy this is my place to go. Luckily on saturdays I can get outside for my long run while my husband watches the kids (as long as the weather permits).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Does it get easier?

I am waiting for it to get easier, but does it ever really? I know that the harder I have to work the more it is changing my body. As I was running today I was thinking back to last year when I could run a mile without stopping and even run a 5k without stopping. I was struggling this morning to run 5-6 min at a time before I felt like I couldn't go anymore. What gets me is that I know I have done it before so why can't I do it now? The running schedule I follow increases the running time a minute longer than the previous week. I find that I am not even getting used to running a certain time and then to add another minute seems so daunting-- how am I ever going to get back to running a full 5k without stopping? If I can't do that than how can I expect myself to complete a 1/2 marathon? On days like this I need to remember to stick with it, what I am doing will change my body, it will take time and hard work but it can be accomplished. I tend to give up too soon because I don't see the results, I need to trust in the process.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Familiar Run

Today I ran a 5k (3 miles)! It felt really good to have run that familiar distance again. I have come to love running 5k's and have participated in many over the years. I almost forgot how much I enjoyed it! I'm hoping to get the running bug that I hear so much about so I can reach my goal of running that 1/2 marathon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Back Again

I'm Back. I haven't been good at posting lately, probably because I feel like I am not doing anything exciting enough to post about. I still have been working out and following my training schedule and my running is getting better. I ran four miles last Saturday, the longest I've gone. I'm really hoping that I will be ready for the 1/2 marathon this summer. In fact I'm thinking about running two 1/2 marathons, one in June and the other in July, then I can say I ran a marathon -- it only took me a month ha ha. I need to find out if it will be okay for me to run them so close together.

I've been struggling with finding the perfect workout time. I don't like to get up early in the morning, I feel that it is my sleep time and I don't want to give that up. So I have been exercising at odd times during the day depending on what happens with the kids. I decided that it wasn't working like I hoped and am now back to getting up early and getting done before the kids get up. I've told myself that it is my time to do something for myself before I do something for everybody else all day, one day done and I already like it better.

I am also changing my training schedule just a bit, it's not a big change but it will be better.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Discovery while Running

My run started out like any other, it was the same run as I had on monday but with one big difference -- a discovery I found while running. My usual habit is to hop off the treadmill during my walk time and get a drink of water, but today I took a big drink about 5 min before and didn't stop during my run to quench my thirst. This may not seem like much but it made a huge difference in my run. I didn't feel sluggish because I didn't step off to get a drink and try to convince myself to get back on. Instead I had the endurance to keep going and even had a much better run. My lesson learned, get hydrated before running leads to a much better run, and of course hydrating after!

So today I ran on the treadmill again, my speed set at 6 mph (walk at 3 mph)
5 min warm-up
15 min run (3 min run/1 min walk)
5 min cool-down

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

UUGGHHH! I barely made it!

Todays workout was one of those that I just wasn't feeling it. I don't know if it's because I wasn't excited about working out or if I was bored with the video, it just wasn't working today. Usually once I get going and get into it I find that I love it and feel so strong and powerful and love feeling my muscles working. So today I did workout but not as intense as I would like. Here's hopping the effort I put in today will help me towards my goal.

From the video Biggest Loser Workout 2
5 min warm up
10 min functional flexibility
10 min women sculpt
10 min women cardio
5 min cool down

What do you do when you just aren't "feeling" it?

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Workout Schedule

For anyone interested in what I am doing for my workouts, here is my schedule. I took a basic couch to 5k running plan and mixed it up with the marathon training program I will start in a couple of months. I am really liking it so far, I like how the cross-training days follow the running days and the rest days are where I need them to be.

So today I ran on the treadmill again, my speed set at 6 mph
5 min warm-up
15 min run (3 min run/1 min walk)
5 min cool-down

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Finally got my workout in today, on the treadmill.

5 min warm-up
30 min treadmill (3 min run/2 min walk)
5 min cool-down


Wow, have I really missed two days? I missed my run on thursday and my cross-training on friday. It looks so easy on paper to be able to get my workouts in. I am not a morning person so I think I could get my workouts in while McKayla naps but other things always come up. I know I need to commit to waking up early, I just love my sleep. Therein lies my problem, I need to decide what my priority is and if I really want to make this change. You would think it was a no brainer, that I would do whatever it takes to lose this weight, but apparently I'm not motivated enough. What can be done to find my motivation and get me out of my self pity rut?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Love Wednesdays!

According to my training schedule (which I should post), today is a rest day - a day off from running and cross-training. Though it has not been a day of from being active. I still chase after my kids, going up and down stairs countless number of times, and cleaning my house. I was hoping to get outside and go for a walk with my kids, but seeing how we in Utah have the worst air during the winter months, it is a red air day, and it's best to limit outside time.

I do look forward to my time for me to workout, but today it was nice to sleep in.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2

WOW I made it to day 2! Today was a cross-training day, doing anything other than running.
I love watching the Biggest Loser, it amazes me what those contestants can get accomplished, I would love to be able to commit to the same about of time they put into their workouts. Well, todays workout comes from two of the Biggest Loser videos:

First I did the Cardio Max
5 min warm-up
20 min cardio
5 min cool-down

Followed by the Power Sculpt
5 min warm-up
20 min sculpt
5 min cool-down

It was a great workout, even with my little boy doing it along side with me!

Monday, January 3, 2011

It all begins

Here I sit, the first Monday of the first month of the new year, having just spent a great holiday season with my family, and as resolutions are being made by those around me, I think what do I want to accomplish in the year ahead. I can easily choose the obvious -- lose weight and be healthy. And I will in fact choose to do that, but I also want to accomplish so much more, such as to organize and keep an orderly home, give my family the individual attention each member needs, and take care of myself.

I mentioned earlier my plans to run a half marathon in July, that is still on track, though I have really slacked on my running and have decided to build back up to running 3 miles at a more challenging speed and really push myself to go harder. Then in the beginning of April (maybe even sooner) I will start a training program for the half marathon. It is very important for me to get the basics of running again, to work on my form, and not burn out before the big day comes.

I'm very excited to kick off the new year with my new training program, the trick will be to stay consistent and motivated.

1 mile ran today!!!