Thursday, August 15, 2013

Trying something new . . .

I have heard great things about yoga but have never had the patience to actually do it.  Well, I'm going to add in yoga with my running schedule on Fridays before my long runs on Saturday.  Hopefully it will help keep my muscles stretched and loose and help prevent injuries.  After searching on youtube for specific yoga designed for running I found a video that I think I will try and use.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Here We Go Again!

So I did it, I signed up for The Pink Series half marathon again.  I'm excited but also a little scared, I haven't been getting the running in that I need to and hope that I will be ready for it in October.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Need a blender?

The awesome ladies at Discover Your Happy are at it again, this time they are giving away one of the most awesome blenders ever, the Blendtec.  This thing does it all!

What will you blend?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Shoes anyone?

I'm always on the look out for new running shoes, especially some really cute ones.  Well the cute and fun ladies over at are doing a shoe giveaway for the SAUCONY KINVARA 4

Check it out here for more details!
discover your happy giveaway

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is anybody there?

Wow,  I have not posted in such a long time.  Probably because so much has been happening.  I had my fifth child just six months ago so I have been focused on my new baby, he makes boy number 4 but don't worry I have 1 daughter that keeps everyone in line.  I did what I could to keep fit and keep moving during the pregnancy, but there are so many things out of control during that time.  I even participated in a neighborhood 5k.  I walked the whole time and came in last by a long ways but I am proud that I finished especially since I was 8+ months pregnant.  I continued to walk my kindergartner home from school until it got too cold, just a few weeks before I had my baby.   I gained about 30 lbs, not too bad, my beautiful baby weighed 10 lbs 1 oz and was 23 inches so not little by any means!

So now I have been trying to get back into some sort of workout routine and figuring out a time that works well for me.  Lately I have been doing Turbo Fire by Beachbody and love it.  I also really want to get my running legs back.  I have been running (okay jogging) for a few months but I am so far from where I want to be.  I have been training for a 5k that I have signed up to run in two days.  I really want to break that 30 min time but I know for me a realistic time will be closer to 36 min, I guess we'll see.  A friend has asked me if I want to run a half marathon with her at the end of July but I just don't see how I can be ready by then.  I do however really want to run the Pink Series half marathon again in Park City in October.

As a side note, I headed up a 28 day fitness challenge for my neighborhood during February in which I posted a daily fitness challenge and I think it went over really well.  I have been asked to keep it going, but it takes time and haven't been back to it.  So if you are interested about it check it out here at  Hopefully soon I can get back to it and keep it going!