Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What? I have a blog?

Wow have I totally neglected this blog or what! Maybe it's because I haven't felt like anything I have been doing was worth posting about. I do need to get back on the ol blogger and keep my progress up to date. It's been a busy couple of months with family, school, and other things happening. Though I haven't been blogging but I still work out. My half marathon is creeping up in just over a month and I'm really hoping that I will be ready. I have been following a plan I found online and I'm trusting in the process. Somedays are really good runs and others I feel like I can barely lift my feet. I was hoping that all this running will help me lose weight, but I haven't had much success in that area yet. I lived in denial about why I am not losing pounds because come on I am training for a half marathon that should work. After watching the premier of Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition and the girl on the show during the third part of her plan only lost 3 pounds in three months, it caught my eye. Here she was working out hours and hours each day and only lost 3 pounds, what it came down to was her eating -- and that is what it comes down to with me as well. I am hoping to figure out my nutrition and change that part of my lifestyle. A big help that I have found to help calorie count and track food is

I have been a member on this site for quite some time now but haven't fully utilized the program. It's time for me to take charge of what I am eating, take responsibility for what I am putting in my body. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to some of my favorite foods and snacks, but if I want to make this work I'm going to need to let go.